Complete Nutritional Supplementation:
Why Minerals Are The Key!

Minerals are absolutely essential for our bodies to function properly!   And very few of us get the 60+ minerals we need every day.   The human body cannot produce its own minerals.   A deficiency of just one trace mineral can lead to poor health, chronic diseases, and a shortened life span.   Despite years of research and volumes of information available on this topic, for the most part the American public is unaware of the link between minerals and good health.   But many of us who have become aware, are seeing dramatic positive results!

We must obtain minerals from whole foods (primarily plant-source), or from QUALITY supplements.   Unfortunately, due in part to our mineral depleted soil, the whole grains, fruits, and vegetables most of us consume are significantly lacking in good mineral content, especially the trace elements.   And the "junk food" most people live on is devoid of minerals and any "good" nutrition.

Hopefully the following information, from a variety of credible sources , will increase your awareness of, and interest in, nutritional supplementation in general, mineral supplementation in particular, and consequently help you improve your health.
This information builds an inescapable and absolute case for Complete Nutritional Supplementation.

"It is not commonly realized that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform.   99% of the American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.   Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.   The alarming fact is that the foods - fruits, vegetables, and grain, now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat."     - excerpts from U.S. Senate Document #264, published by the 2nd session of the 74th Congress, in 1936 .

In June of 1992, 56 years after Senate Document #264, the Earth Summit Report by the World Health Organization documented the decline in numbers of various endangered species, the disappearance of the tropical rain forests, and also reported on the decline of nutritional minerals in farm and range soils by continent over the last hundred years.   This report gave numerical weight to that which was reported in U.S. Senate Document #264.   The following list showed the alarming rate of decline of minerals on a world wide basis, but it also highlighted the disastrous state of soil depletion in the United States:     Australia - 55%, Europe - 72%, Africa - 74%, Asia - 76%, South America - 76%, and LAST & WORST of all, North America - 85% depleted.

"The most neglected area yet to be fully researched is the subject of minerals and trace minerals.   This is remarkably curious as minerals and trace minerals are the very building blocks of all life forms.   Through erosion and poor farming practices, the soil has become nearly exhausted of these vital elements."           Dr. D. W. Cavanaugh, M.D. Cornell University.

"You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."           Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel prizes.

"As the various elements required by enzymes disappear from the soil, various body functions must inevitably fail, so that diseases of malnutrition become the norm rather than the exception."           Dr. Hamaker & Dr. Weaver from SURVIVAL OF CIVILIZATION

"You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known and exist, before it is generally received and acted upon."           Benjamin Franklin

"The importance of nutrition and the benefits of dietary supplements to health promotion and disease prevention have been documented increasingly in scientific studies."           The Dietary, Supplement Health, and Education Act of the 1994 Congress

"The top 10 causes of death in the United States are diet related degenerative diseases .   Ninety-four percent of deaths in America could be directly linked to degenerative diseases that resulted from nutritional deficiency."
          Dr. C. Everett Koop, 1988 Surgeon General's report to Congress

We're seeing more and more reports on primetime television and various news media about how minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and various nutritional supplements can dramatically improve our health.

Despite resistance for years by the pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine, the benefits of nutritional supplementation and corresponding improvements to health and life expectancy are finally being realized.   This is an exciting growth industry.   Scientific research is finally proving what many have known for a long time:   Nutritional supplementation is essential to achieving or maintaining OPTIMUM HEALTH!

The surface of the earth has changed significantly since it's inception.   Approximately 70 million years ago in an area which is now known as Emery County, Utah, USA, a glacier or other movement of the earth's crust buried a large quantity of prehistoric plants.   After millions of years of tremendous pressure , these plants were compressed and transformed into deposits that are known as 'Humic Shale'.   Today, this area entombs a 30 foot strata of the prehistoric plant derivatives that have characteristics similar to peat moss.

The Humic Shale deposits contain numerous hydrophilic minerals (natural as food in plants) and not the normal metallic minerals that come from ground up rocks and soil.   The tremendous health benefits associated with PLANT DERIVED colloidal mineral supplements are well documented.   This evidence - scientific and anecdotal - has created a demand for these minerals at an astonishing rate.   The richest source of humic shale in the U.S. comes from the Rockland Corporation Mines located 6 miles south of Emery, Utah, at an elevation of about 6.600 ft. above sea level.   At Innovative Technologies corp., (ITC) we trust only The Rockland Corporation for our 100% plant derived organic minerals.

Some companies use chemicals, citric acid, or hot water, to force-extract minerals from dirt, clay, sea beds soils or sub-standard humic shale.   These methods may extract inorganic metallic minerals also.   Metallic minerals are difficult for the body cells to absorb or excrete.   In contrast, our plant derived liquid minerals are naturally processed by placing the humic shale in large food grade vats and covering them with cool, catalyzed, purified water.   This gradually leaches the plant derived minerals from the humic shale over a period of weeks, while it is left undisturbed to prevent any unnatural extraction of dissolved mineral solids.   The end result: one of the most pure and most natural mineral products on Earth!

A plant mineral is several thousand to a hundred thousand times smaller than the smallest metallic mineral.   The molecular weight is much less and in most cases the plant minerals are bound to different molecules.   Knowing this, how can anyone compare a mg of plant minerals, to a mg from a metallic source?   Plant source minerals are so different from metallic minerals, some scientists suggest giving them different names to avoid any confusion.

Do not be mislead!   "Colloidal" minerals are not necessarily plant derived minerals!   The source might be metallic or chelated.   Some metallic minerals derived from soil are potentially very dangerous.

Humans are meant to consume minerals that have first been digested by plants.   You can find dozens of analysis reports from different companies, but such reports offer little insight into the quality of any product.   AN ANALYSIS REPORT DOES NOT DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PLANT DERIVED OR METALLIC MINERALS!   You must know the source!   Our true plant derived liquid minerals - produced by The Rockland Mine Corporation - have a natural balance of well over 60 different minerals in a concentration designed by nature, not technology.

Each and every mineral derived from plants is beneficial and necessary to sustain health and longevity.   Even aluminum, arsenic, and lead are found in multitudes of healthy, natural foods.   Aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals in many of our foods (over 2,000 listings of natural foods contain aluminum; many also contain arsenic and lead).   Plant-synthesized minerals are safe!   For example, 3oz. of green tea contains more plant aluminum than one entire quart of plant derived minerals, and yet is very beneficial to health!   We need to beware of toxic, inorganic, metallic sources of minerals.   However, nothing is more beneficial than a complete spectrum of pure plant derived minerals.   Know your source!   Plant derived minerals are in a league of their own.   And we carry only "the purest, most concentrated and most result-producing plant derived minerals in the world."

The increased popularity of Nutritional Supplementation has spawned a booming new industry.   Unfortunately there are many over-priced and "gimmick" products on the market.   You have to do a little research, be ready to formulate your own opinions about what is best for you , and be sure to read labels for quality and quantity.   No two people are identical, and very few "experts" agree on exactly what portion of specific nutrients are "ideal".

After doing whatever research you deem necessary, we hope you'll take a serious look at "GLACIAL MILK".   This phenomenal product contains an unbelievable array and comprehensive assortment of carefully selected MEGA-doses of vitamins, plant-source ionic minerals, super-antioxidants, amino acids, herbs, and other vital nutrients our bodies need everyday to ensure OPTIMUM HEALTH (see complete ingredient list).   They are all combined in the convenience of ONE great-tasting Aloe-Vera based liquid!   It is also priced better than anything else we have seen.   We think you'll agree it's the "most complete, high-quality, value-priced, all-natural nutritional supplement on the planet!"

We're also looking for distributors in every town and every state to spread the word about this fantastic product!   It is already helping thousands of people dramatically improve their health.   As a distributor, you can earn royalties just for referring others who try our products!   There's no selling or inventory required.   It's very easy to earn enough to cover the cost of your own products (get them " FREE"), just by referring a few people.   Others, who are interested in a legitimate, fun, and rewarding home-based-business, are earning significant part-time and even full-time incomes, just for sharing our valuable products with others!   Besides the passive residual income and financial independence and freedom it brings, one of the most rewarding aspects of our business is the grateful thanks you get from people you've referred who see dramatic improvements to their health!

To ContinueCLICK HERE!

Robert R. Veara

ITC Distributor #2736


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